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            We Are Matt

 and well its all

          i know who to be

And We All Love You !!!

Whether it's just me in here or if I'm a million different people from one day to next,  Me and whoever else is here we all love you. I fell for you from the moment I laid eyes on you . I know where it went wrong and what caused it at this point, I really do it took me some time, I'm determined to fix us as best I can, I can only tell you I made a huge mistake, well I've made a bunches of those, but this one I'm sorry, never happen again on anything. Vicki, I wanted you so badly, once I had you I wanted so badly not to lose you, when i did, and it happened more than once, it felt like it happen quite frequently where i knew i lost you. I wanted, needed so desperately to get you back. That hasn't changed you are mine, you just are, you can leave but it would be devastating, I hope you never do, but we will see, if you do i deserved it I wont stop you or be difficult. Anyway I didn't know what to get you for Valentines so i made you this so I made this for you .


                                                                   Love Ya, 

                                            Always and Forever 


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